Efficiency, quality & visibility

See the platform in action!

The power is in the AI

Our AI module is already trained so it is ready to use since the day you start using CloseOut.
Select AI model for your project
Select AI model for your project
It scans images for defined requirement
It scans images for defined requirement
It automatically approves or rejects it
It automatically approves or rejects it

Automation that can help you do more

Our AI modules include these and more:
Hard Hat detection
Hard Hat detection
Scene Text detection
Scene Text detection
Harness and carabiners detection
Harness and carabiners detection
Rope detection
Rope detection
Blurred Image detection
Blurred Image detection

CloseOut’s Time Tracking

This feature will save you time and money, as it can help you plan how much time a particular job will take. It also helps you track overtime and enables you to have valuable insights for workforce planning.